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Model Converter


Missing documentation.

The model converter converts models from standard formats like FBX into formats suitable for the Nintendo 64 homebrew projects.

The Bazel target is //tools/model.


model -model <input> -output <output.model>


  • -animate: Convert animations.
  • -axes <axes>: Change the axes of the 3D model. This can be used to convert between left-handed and right-handed systems, or change which axis a model is facing towards. Defaults to x,y,z. (TODO: how does this work?)
  • -meter <expr>: Define the length of a meter. The meter can be used by the -scale flag. The length can be a number or a simple numerical expression, such as -meter 100/64.
  • -model <input>: Use <input> as the input model. The input may be an FBX model. Other model formats may work, but are not tested.
  • -output <output.model>: Write the model to <output.model>. The output is a custom format.
  • -output-c <output.c>: Write the model as C source code to <output.c>. This may not work correctly and is not intended to be used in real games, but it shows the GBI commands used in the output model.
  • -output-stats <output.log>: Write information about the model to <output.log>. This information is human-readable and should not be parsed.
  • -scale <expr>: Scale the model by this factor. The factor can be a number or a numerical expression, and it can be defined in terms of the value for the -meter flag. For example, -scale 64/300 or -scale "meter*10".
  • -texcoord-bits <num>: Set the number of fractional bits of precision used for texture coordinates. Defaults to 11.
  • -use-normals: Use vertex normals from model. Cannot be combined with vertex colors.
  • -use-primitive-color: Use primitive color from material. (TODO: What part of the material?)
  • -use-texcoords: Include texture coordinates.
  • -use-vertex-colors: Include vertex colors. Cannot be combined with normals.
  • -variable-name <name>: Use <name> as the name of the variable which contains the model data generated with -output-c.


To build,

bazel build -c opt //tools/model

This will place the tool in bazel-bin/tools/model/model.

Input Formats

The converter supports the FBX format for input.


The model converter uses the Open Asset Import Library, and in theory, can use other formats that the Open Asset Import Library supports. However, this is not tested.


In the future, glTF may become the recommended format.